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CAG analyst Hybrid to leave team by "mutual" decision

The Italian analyst will not be part of the team after the Charlotte Major.

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CYCLOPS athlete gaming analyst Riccardo "Hybrid" Massimino Font today announced his impending departure from the Japanese giants after the end of the Charlotte Major. In a TwitLonger, he detailed that the decision was mutual and that both parties “understood that it was time to follow different paths”.

CAG are qualified for the upcoming Charlotte Major, but Hybrid was quick to assure fans of his commitment, stating that he is “still fully committed on reaching the best place possible”.

Hybrid has also expressed an intention to continue working as an analyst for other teams.

The Italian analyst joined the team in late Jan. 2021, having previously been with SCARZ for the past year and a half. During his time on CAG, the Japanese team won the prize-rich Japan League 2021 with a flawless record and -- after Charlotte -- will have attended four international events.

CAG were also strong in APAC North, having always been in the top four in the subregion and consistently appearing in the APAC Playoffs.