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Rainbow Six Siege players criticize HUD compass size in new Hoot video

This time, the criticism is pretty lighthearted.

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Rainbow 6 Siege content creator Hoot has released his latest YouTube video, this time mocking the new compass design.

Earlier in November, the compass got some big changes as part of the Year Six Season Four update. The compass now not only shows pings and marked locations but indicates where the ping is coming from. This allows players to know what floor enemies are on without having to physically locate them.

But the new compass update was big in other ways as well. The compass in the new HUD takes up too much room on the screen. It's been described by players as "clunky" and inefficient. Some have noted that it's difficult to read the compass quickly, with "far left" or "far right of the bar" disorienting them.

Despite complaints, Ubisoft has kept the compass as is — and the community has continued to mock the change.

Rainbow Six Siege community trolls Ubisoft over compass size

In his most recent YouTube video, Hoot decided to mock the new compass design in a visually pungent way that had the R6 community laughing at Jager's expense.

Titled "Take it off. Now," the video featured Jager getting ready to take aim at an enemy (using triple scopes) only to have a giant compass on his collar get in the way. For extra comedic impact, Hoot had the compass locked on so Jager had no choice but to play the game with the compass.

"What the f--k is that?" Jager demanded. "Why are you trolling?"

After attempting to pull off the compass to no avail, Jager directly asked Ubisoft to take off the compass — echoing the sentiment of many Rainbow 6 Siege players. While the HUD can be disabled, many gamers have pointed out that they should be able to change the size instead of losing the compass altogether.

Instead of a giant compass, Siege players have consistently demanded a larger health bar.

While Hoot's video was definitely a light-hearted jab at Ubisoft developers, some fans were quick to point out that players should stop criticizing the HUD after recent events. HUD Designer Maxim Daigle actually locked his Twitter 11 days ago after experiencing "constant abuse" from the playerbase who disliked the new UI.

The R6 community was quick to condemn anyone who harassed and bullied Ubisoft developers at the time. While many had negative things to say about the HUD, gamers pointed out that it wasn't worth attacking developers over.

Hoot's video is a great alternative to the harassment, calling out unpopular HUD changes without being mean to the game's creators. Still, fans are hoping Ubisoft will have a solution to the compass size in the near future.